The World of Rome by Michael Grant PDF Novel Book Free download and view online or offline.
..::::: Book Review :::::..
A brilliant study of Roman conquests and culture from 133 BC. C. Until 217 d. C. examines the largest imperial government structure in the world, the people and events that shaped the Roman Empire. Michael Grant recreates life and time in a mix of Italian, Greek, Oriental, and barbarian influences and their fascinating inconsistencies: citizens and slaves, art and astrology, circus and senate, fall and devout patriotism. He introduced Roman literature, philosophy, and law into a dynamic culture and showed how the concept of imperial administration and citizenship became the basis for future nation-states in the western provinces. He greeted Peterfamilius Rome from the Western world and presented a collection of interesting studies on him.
It was a good collection of information about the Roman Empire in its heyday, but not for the neophytes. You guessed it, who were the main players. So read this after reading the introduction to Roman history.
..::::: Book Information :::::..
- Book Name: The World of Rome
- Book Author: Michael Grant
- Book Categories: English Literature, Novel
- Book Language: English
- Total Page: 332 Pages
- Published Date: March 1, 1987
- Publisher: Plume
Copyright @ 1960
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