Philosophy of Religion Lecture Notes textbook notes by PCC read online.
Book Information :::::…
- Book Name: Philosophy of Religion Lecture Notes
- Book Author: Portland Community College – PCC
- Book Language: English
- File Format: TXT
Book Description :::::…
The general role of the class.
This is the (western) good news of (mortal) religion
The description of the “gospel” part of the gospel is controversial, indeed, among the keepers. I define it as a tradition defined by the commitment of the people of that tradition to a common methodological program. Even then, if you want to know the correct or correct answer to any question. The task is to guess about it.
Guess being rational is an elegant way to decide what to believe and / or what to do. Popular results because of the “highest” mortal function and the most excellent achievement.
Somewhere in the history of the Western philosophical tradition it overlaps with religious values, so rationality is seen as part of being religious. At other times there was a great deal of debate about how philosophical and religious views should shape people’s beliefs and what makes a person religious or good.
Talking about religion may not be the elegant way to understand it. But that is the way of the (Western) champion.
(Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the most closely associated religious traditions in the “West”, but we will not limit our search to these three beliefs.)
So we are interested in religious ideas and the “reasoning” of those ideas, that is, how the ideas are connected. Beliefs about the hereafter, for example, are easily linked to beliefs about this life, if what we do now (or don’t do!) Affects what happens to us after physical death. Belief in what makes God good from god or service will be tied to what makes mortal life meaningful. ETC. So we would be interested in ideas and connections between them and between them.
Note that this is not a “value-neutral” effort, as I would like to see (for example) in anthropology, sociology, or the psychology of religion. We need to be “critical” in order to study as individuals what is credible.
Part of religion (s) is relatively difficult to define “religion”, and the first study question will be about this.
In order to describe this command, we must at least notice the difference between belief (doctrine or doctrine) and description.
Institutions (churches or associations) I know many religious people think that religion is more about what you do and less about what you believe, which means that in order to understand the inspirations (really) we must look at what the members of the religion do. But in this class, we will be (almost) interested only in faith.
Note that there is a wide gap between the doctrine and practice of the faith I know. I call it the “flow of doctrine.” Example One of the 10 commandments of Christianity is the myth of “Thou shalt not kill” (Old Testament) and “Be another fool” (New Testament). Don’t you think Christians are doves? Buddhism has unnaturally rejected the spirit doctrine of Hinduism. There can be no revival without the soul. Then who is the Dalai Lama again? We will cover these effects in question 5. Other than that, we are only interested in ideas, not in practice.
Our text is “relating to the discipline of relative religion, not the gospel of the described religion.” Houston Smith’s point is to interpret genocide as “alive” or “alive.”
More unusually, persuasions answer some of the questions that I believe are an inevitable part of the “mortal condition.”
Who am i
Where do I belong? Who are my people?
Where do I come from? What will it be for me?
What am I supposed to do now?
I think people want answers to this question.
Do you have that Jones?