Financial Management 15e by Brigham and Ehrhardt pdf economics-finance and management book free. The download size of this economics-finance, management book is – 42.29 MB.
Book Review:
The only text that strikes a balance between sound financial theory and practical application, Brigham / Ehrdart’s Financial Management: Theory and Practice, 15e gives you a complete understanding of the concepts necessary to develop and apply effective financial strategies. The book begins with a presentation of corporate financial fundamentals before proceeding to discuss the specific strategies used to maximize the value of a business. It also explores the recent financial and economic crisis and the role of money in the business world. With its relevant and interesting presentation, numerous examples, and emphasis on the use of Excel, this text serves as a comprehensive reference tool in your academic or business career.
We found a pdf format version of this economics-finance and management book free. So, We share this economics-finance and management book pdf format with you. Financial Management Pdf Book 15e by Brigham and Ehrhardt.
Book Information:
- Book Name: Financial Management : Theory & Practice
- Edition: 15th Edition
- Author(s): Eugene F. Brigham • Michael C. Ehrhardt
- Book Category: Economics-Finance, Management
- Book Language: English
- Publisher: C*ng*ge Le*rn*ng
- File Format: PDF
- File Size: 42.29 MB
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