Memory in the flesh by Ahlam Mosteghanemi book free download in pdf file format and read online or offline. The total number of pages of this Arabic book is – 262 pages.
Book Review:
This award-winning novel, written in Arabic by the first Algerian woman, opposes Algeria’s struggle against foreign domination, as well as its own struggle for independence and the fate of revolutionary ideology in a post-revolutionary society. . Spread over four decades of Algerian history, the story revolves around a love story between Khaled, a middle-aged militant who repainted after losing his left arm, from the 1940s to the 1970s. Fight and survival, fiction. The author and his friend, the daughter of freedom fighter C. Taher, all brilliantly told through the voice of Khaled. She highlighted how this fascinating incarnation of the male voice has a descriptive technique where the author summarizes the achievements of world literature with the conventional methods of storytelling and local storytelling, especially fascinating the judges who awarded the novel. Naguib Mahfuz Medal for Literature.
Book Information:
- Book Name: Memory in the flesh
- Series: Modern Arabic writing
- Book Author: Ahlam Mosteghanemi
- Book Categories: Arabic Books
- Book Language: Arabic
- File Format: Pdf
- File Size: Unknown
- Total Pages: 262 Pages
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