The American Scholar By Ralph Waldo Emerson pdf book free download and read online or offline.
Book Review:
President and gentlemen, I congratulate you on the resumption of our literary year. Our anniversary is one of hope and perhaps the work is not enough. We don’t come together for games of strength or skill to recite history, tragedy, and mountains like the ancient Greeks did; For parliaments of love and indifference, like the Troudbauers; Not because of the advancement of science like our contemporaries in British and European capitals. So far, our vacation has become a friendly sign of the survival of love for letters between busy people to deliver letters to very busy people. As such, it is valued as a sign of indestructible instinct. Perhaps the time has come, when it should be and something else will happen; When the lazy intellect of this continent sees from beneath their iron identities and fulfills the suspended expectations of the earth with something better than mechanical skill. The day of our trust, our long learning to learn other lands is approaching time. The millions of people around us who are circling in life cannot always be fed the perfect portion of foreign crops. Events, the rise of Creon, must be sung, which they themselves will sing. Who can doubt that the poem will resurrect and lead to a new era, like the star Harp, which is now burning in our genetics, astronomers have announced, that one day they will be Pole Stars for a thousand years?
Book Information:
- Book Name: The American Scholar
- Book Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Book Categories: English Literature
- Book Language: English
- File Format: Pdf
- File Size: 0.70 KB
- Total Pages: Unknown
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