Principles of Microeconomics PDF Book by Libby Rittenberg Free download and Read online or offline.
…::::: Book Review :::::..
This course will give you a basic idea of the principles of microeconomics. In short, the study of economics relates to the choices and decisions we make to manage our unnecessary resources. Microeconomics is a branch of economics that refers to decisions made at the individual level, such as decisions made by individual consumers and traders after asset, cost, and tradeoff assessments. When we talk about economics, we mean markets or economic systems where our preferences communicate with each other. In this book, we discuss how and why we make economic decisions and how our choices affect the economy. Think of each unit below as a building block, where the ideas you will learn will help you understand the elements you will discover in the next unit. At the end of this course, you will gain an insight into the behavior of consumers and producers, the nature of supply and demand, the different types of markets and how they work, and the major problems faced by microeconomics, including consumer welfare outcomes. And producer. We also explore how these formal policies and concepts apply to real-world problems. The scope and importance of this course for incorporating key concepts in the general field of economics goes beyond the general understanding of microeconomics.
..::::: Book Information :::::..
- Book Name: Principles of Microeconomics
- Book Author: Libby Rittenberg
- Book Categories: Business and Career, Economic
- Book Language: English
- Publish Year: 2002
- Total Pages: 1129 Pages
- File Format: PDF
- File Size: 15.5 MB
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