Parts of Speech Made Easy PDF Free Urdu Book by Afzal Anwar Mufti Download or View Online.
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Parts of Speech Made Easy is an English grammar urdu book written by Afzal Anwar Mufti with hundreds of English grammar book, part of Speech Made Easy and more Mufti books that are recommended for Pakistani school students. In traditional grammatical grammar, a part of speech is a class of words that have similar grammatical features. Words assigned to the same part of speech usually show similar behavior in terms of sentence structure (they play the same role in the grammatical structure of the sentence) and sometimes morphologically, because they are influenced by the same feature. Commonly listed parts of speech in English are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, pronouns, additions, breaks. Words in English are not usually identified as belonging to speech or another part; This is in contrast to many other European languages, which use inflection more widely, meaning that a given word form can often be identified as related to a specific part of speech and some additional grammatical features. In English, most words are not obscure, while the underlying endings that exist are mostly obscure: -ed can identify a verb as a past tense, a participle, or a complete adjective; -s can identify a plural noun or verb form of the present tense; -ing can identify a participant, gerund, or pure adjective or noun. Although -ly is a frequent verb marker, some verbs (e.g., tomorrow, fast, very) do not have an ending, while some words (e.g., friendly, ugly) do not end with a verb. Many words in English can consist of multiple parts of speech. Words like Neigh, break, outlaw, laser, microwave, and telephone can be verbs or nouns.
..::::: Book Information :::::..
- Book Name: Parts of Speech Made Easy
- Book Author: Afzal Anwar Mufti
- Book Categories: Urdu Books, English Grammar
- Book Language: Urdu
- Publish Year: 1998
- Total Pages: 92 Pages
- File Format: PDF
- File Size: 59 MB
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