Pancham Purush by Bani Basu

Pancham Purush by Bani Bosu
Pancham Purush
Pancham Purush is a popular bengali novel which is written by Popular Bengali Writer Bani Basu. Bani Basu is Indian Bengali writer, essayist, critic and poet. Bani Basu is started his career by the Publication of Janmabhoomi Matribhoomi. Bani Basu was born on 11 March 1939, India. She was educated at the well-known Scottish Church College and at the University of Calcutta. She got Shahitya Academy Award 2010 which is one of Indian top literary awards. Bani Basu’s popular books are Maitreya Jataka, Ekhushery Pa, Pancham Purush , Swet Patharer Thaala, Gandharvi, Astam Garva, Uponyas Ponchok etc.
Book Name: Pancham Purush
Book Category : Bangla Novel
Book Writer: Bani Basu
Book Format: Portable Document Format (PDF File) 
Book Language: Bengali
Book Size: 6.70 MB
Updated: August 5, 2016 — 1:53 pm