Notes on Linear Algebra PDF ebook by Peter J. Cameron free download and view online.
Book Information :::::…
- Book Name: Notes on Linear Algebra
- Book Author: Peter J. Cameron
- Book Category: Mathematics
- Book Language: English
- Total Pages: 124 Pages
- File Format: PDF
- File Size: N/A
Book Description :::::…
Linear algebra has two aspects. Abstractly, it is the study of body vector spaces and their application in linear and bilinear forms. Specifically, this is matrix theory: the matrix occurs in all parts of mathematics and its application, and those working in mathematical sciences and related fields must be able to oblique a real symmetric matrix. Therefore, in such a course, it is necessary to touch on both the abstract and the concrete, although the applications are not considered in detail. Theoretically, we work with vector spaces, linear maps, and bilinear shapes. Vector spaces in the field K are particularly interesting algebraic objects, since each vector space is entirely determined by a single number, its dimensions (for example, those whose structure is much more complex). A linear map is a homomorphism that preserves the structure of vector spaces. In practical terms, the topic is really about one thing: the matrix. If we are going to do some calculations with a linear map or a bilinear shape, we must represent it through a matrix. It turns out that the matrix has a variety of properties. In each case, the representation is not unique, since we are free to change bases in vector spaces; Many different arrays represent the same object.