MBA 1304: Microeconomics PDF by BOU (Bangladesh Open University) ebook free download for school of business, Master of Business Administration (MBA).
…::::: Book Review :::::…
This book is originally made for MBA students of Bangladesh Open University. It is written in a modular format whose lessons are arranged in such a way that students can easily understand the concepts and theories of microeconomics. The book has 11 units with 30 lessons. We do not claim that this is a major contribution. Rather it should be considered as a textbook of ideas by several famous economics / micro economics writers. We have also quoted from various economics textbooks that graduate students follow. We have endeavored to present the text of the book very clearly so that the average distance student can get a full idea of the concept and theory of the course within the allotted time of one semester.
Each unit is roughly equivalent to one chapter of a conventional textbook and is divided into two to four lessons. Each of them starts with “unit highlights”. In fact, the lessons begin with each “lesson objective” and end with a “review question,” like a classroom teacher’s class note. Review questions include essay questions, multiple choice questions and some real life issues. Some statements are included in the review question, in which students will identify the real questions. We hope that self-taught people will not have too much difficulty understanding the lessons themselves and will not need any significant help from the teacher. We’ve added real-life problems / lawsuits to traditional economics / microeconomics textbooks from writers of Western descent. We hope that our MBA students will relate issues / cases to their own environment and analyze them independently or in a group.
…::::: Book Information :::::…
- Book Name: Microeconomics
- Book Author: BOU
- Book Categories: Business and Career, Economics
- Book Publisher: Bangladesh Open University
- Publish Year: 2008
- Book Language: English, Bangla
- Total Pages: 355 Pages
- File Format: PDF
- File Size: 5 MB
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