Japanese Fairy Tales by Yei Theodora Ozaki PDF SHort Story free download and read online or offline. The download size of this Yei Theodora Ozaki’s short story book is – 2.7 MB with 199 pages.
::::: Book Review :::::
When I was a kid, I was never very fond of classic fairy tales. It took me many years to become interested in them because of their common, archetypal elements and anthropological and social subtext. That’s what I also wanted from “Japanese Fairy Tales”: to compare them with my expectations as a reader more familiar with the western canon of fairy tales. The building blocks were mostly the same: brave and strong princes, obedient daughters, stepmothers, fortune-seekers, kind old men and their otherworldly adopted children, animals with their specific character traits. The structure, however, was relatively uncommon: where I would have expected a plot twist, a turn of events, a dramatic conflict, or a narrative delay, almost nothing happened. Somehow, it was all too easy, p. Eg without double failure before triumphing for the third time, without spokes on the wheels of our heroes, without anyone to challenge them despite their fame and glory. Every potential conflict turned to nothing. Perhaps that is exactly the reason why I soon got tired of repetition and too linear a pattern. After my underdeveloped boredom came irritation. Most stories focus heavily on very few or one dominant character trait (such as cunning or humility). Still, the same recurring traits like arrogance, ruthlessness, and selfishness are fatal faults for antagonists, but the source of great honor and respect for positively marked characters. As there is no real obstacle to the hero, there is also no penance or repercussions for his immoral and inhuman actions. And to my liking, many of those great idols display capricious malice and are rewarded for it.
::::: Book Information :::::
- Book Name: Japanese Fairy Tales
- Book Author: Yei Theodora Ozaki
- Book Categories: English Literature, Short Stories
- Book Language: English
- Published in: 1908
- File Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle
- File Size: 2.7 MB
- Total Pages: 199 Pages