Book Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets By J.K. Rowling. File Size: 1968 KB, Print Length: 141 pages, Publisher: Pottermore Publishing; Reprint edition (December 8, 2015), Publication Date: December 8, 2015, Language: English.
‘Harry Potter has a plot. The scariest things are a plan to do this year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Harry Potter’s summer included the worst birthday of all time, the serious warnings received from a house man named Dobby and his friend Ron Weasley’s rescue of Darussalam in a magical flying car! For his sophomore year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry hears strange whispers through empty hallways and then the attack begins. Students are like stones … Dobby’s evil prophecies seem to come true. Review
Fall in love with a deadly and attractive young hero like Harry Potter and then fall into a terrible danger and become destitute! And J.K. The most anticipated sequels of Hello Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’ Rowling, the award-winning Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone are in grave danger. Looks like it wasn’t bad enough that after a long summer with the horrible Dorsless, he was frustrated to start his frustrating year of boarding the train at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardi. But when your only transportation option is a magical flying car, it will hit your precious (but definitely annoying) Willow Willow. Still, it all feels like a day in the park compared to what’s going on inside Hogwarts ’haunted halls.
From the wall Harry utters a cold and faint voice and it is certain that his classmate Draco Malfoy will try to catch him. Harry isn’t just worried about survival as horrors begin to unfold at Hogwarts. Extremely bright and announcing the words on the wall: “The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. The enemies of the heir, beware!” But what exactly does it mean? Harry, Hermione and Ron do everything in their power to solve this seemingly deadly mystery of 50-year-old magic. This delightfully unrealistic novel is as gripping, imaginative and fragile as ever; Students ’family worries (fierce competition, embarrassing fascination, pedantic teacher) are intertwined with uninterrupted, frightening, fantastic, or just simple fun. Again, Bowling writes about a combination of wit, fantasy and a MacBrex twist that will leave young and old readers desperate in the next installment. (9 years and older) – Karin Selson.
More Review
“When most people hear ‘big print books’, they immediately think of older citizens. But large print editions of popular children’s books, from the powerful Harry Potter series to the timeless classics like Adventures of Tom Sawyer, are now on their way to the children’s section of the Canton Library. … Although large print editions are aimed at visually impaired or dyslexic children, they can also be used by standard philosophy readers. Choose large print books on shelves without “” built-in.
– The Observer and Excentric (October 2000) (The Observer and Excentric 20001001)
Book Information:
- Name: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
- Writer: J.K. Rowling (Author), Mary GrandPré (Illustrator)
- Categories: Kindle eBooks, Teen & Young Adult
- File Size: 1968 KB
- Print Length: 141 pages
- Publisher: Pottermore Publishing; Reprint edition (December 8, 2015)
- Publication Date: December 8, 2015
- Language: English
- ASIN: B0192CTMW8
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- X-Ray: Enabled
- Word Wise: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Screen Reader: Supported
- Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #14 Paid in Kindle Store
Available Price
Kindle- $8.99
Audiobook- Not Available
Hardcover- $18.98 /141 Used from $2.57 /30 New from $16.99 /98 Collectible from $6.99
Paperback- $6.59 /331 Used from $0.25 /54 New from $6.45 /30 Collectible from $3.00