Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

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..::::: Book Review :::::..

Frankenstein has never been more relevant to how the giant tech got out of control and the dangers of cloning. Although the scientific community claims that they collectively oppose the idea of ​​cloning an entire human being, inevitably, such as Drs. In the case of Frankenstein, some scientists will simply try to do it so that it can be done and found or glorified. The novel itself asks what it means to be human, the dangers of pride and the value of “playing god” and humanity when technology interferes with our precious values, such as privacy, asking important questions about control over our own bodies and and the long-term consequences of selfish work. This is a great way to understand how Mary Shelley probably saw the role of women in the early 19th century: men control everything, women are seen as “other”, perhaps manipulative and isolated. Shelley’s work stood the test of time, when Lord Byron and Shelley’s husband Percy’s poetry was seldom read outside of college, also showing that he was far more prophetic than in college. And now there will be technology in the world.

..::::: Book Information :::::..

  • Book Name: Frankenstein
  • Book Author: Mary Shelley
  • Book Categories: English Literature, Novel
  • Book Language: English
  • Total Pages: 137 Pages
  • File Format: PDF, EPUB, KINDLE

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Updated: October 20, 2023 — 1:44 am