Chanakya Neeti By Chanakya pdf in English free download and read online or offline.
Book Review:
Chanakya or Kautilya or Vishnu Gupta (370-283 BC) was a former Indian economist, philosopher and royal adviser, and author of the famous political science book Artheshastra. He was the pioneer of the political science and economics of ancient India and his theory had an important role in the economics of development and he is truly regarded as the pioneer of the political science and economics of India. Now I will share with you the ancient Indian economics and political science PDF e-book “Chanakya Nitishastra” in Bengali, which was translated by Srila Satyaswarup Das Goswami.
The book “Chanakya Neeti” is an ancient political science book from India that was originally written by Chanakya. The book is briefly written by Shil Provupad. The book was easily edited and edited by Shilswarup Das in English. Chanakya was an Indian royal professor, philosopher, economist, jurist, and counselor. He is traditionally known as Kautilya or Vishnu Gupta, the author of the ancient Indian political text Arthashastra. As such, he is considered a pioneer in the field of political science and economics in India, and his work is considered a major pioneer in classical economics.
Book Information:
- Book Name: Chanakya Neeti
- Author: Chanakya
- Book Categories: English Literature
- Book Language: English
- File Format: Pdf
- Total Pages:
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