Advanced Quantum Mechanics I by Prof. Cumrun Vafa

Advanced Quantum Mechanics I pdf ebook by Prof. Cumrun Vafa free download.

Advanced Quantum Mechanics I by Prof. Cumrun Vafa

Book Information :::::…

  • Book Name: Advanced Quantum Mechanics I
  • Book Author: Prof. Cumrun Vafa
  • Book Categories: Science and Research, Physics
  • Book Language: English
  • Total Pages: 83 Pages
  • File Format: PDF

Book Description :::::…

Contents: 1 The History of Quantum Mechanics and Motivation 4, 1.2 1900, Planck, 1.3 1910, Lorentz, 1.4 1905, Einstein, 1.5 1922, Compton, 1.6 1909-1911, Rutherford, 1.7 1913, Bohr, 1.8 1916, Sommerfeld, 1.9 1916, Einstein, 1.10 1923, de Broglie, 1.11 1923, Schr¨odinger, 1.12 1925, Heisenberg, 1.13 1926, Born, Heisenberg, Jordan , 1.14 1927, Ehrenfest, 1.15 Probabilistic Interpretation, 2 Radially Symmetric Problems 17, 2.1 The Hydrogen Atom, 2.2 The Laplacian, 2.3 L, 2 and Lz, 2.4 Spherical Harmonics Y, 2.5 The Radial Part R(r), 2.6 Decay Rates, 2.7 The Two-Body Problem, 2.8 Three-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator, 3 Principles of Quantum Mechanics 32, 3.1 Preliminaries, 3.2 Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 4 Spins 48, 4.1 Addition of Angular Momentum, 4.2 Identical Particles, 4.3 Electrons and the Nucleus, 4.4 Thermodynamics, 4.5 Crystals, 4.6 Wigner-Eckart Theorem, 4.6.1 Tensorial Operators, 4.6.2 Isospin, 4.7 Discrete Symmetries, 4.8 Supersymmetry, 5 Time-independent Perturbation Theory 64, 5.1 Non-Degenerate Perturbation Theory, 5.2 Degenerate Perturbation Theory, 5.2.1 Zeeman Effect, 5.2.2 Stark Effect, 5.3 Variational Method, 5.3.1 Virial Theorem, 5.4 Bohn-Oppenheimer Approximat, etc.

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Updated: August 2, 2022 — 2:26 am